Thursday, March 23, 2017

3.17.17 "Grand Finale"

We cancelled our planned visits to the Dead Sea Scroll museum and Yad Vashem (Holocaust Memorial) due to the Jerusalem Marathon. With over 300,000 runners, roads blocked, rail closed, extra traffic... no thanks. We were able to sleep in a bit and not feel rushed. We finally got to experience the Gush Etsion zipline. 400m of pure excitement. Reuven missed school today so he joined us. He went tandem with Shannon. The rest of us went solo. Steve did great. I was last to go and did not want it to end. Our tractor ride back was quite the thrill too. The driver got a good laugh when I told him it was as fun as the zipline!
View from underneath the zipline

Zipline platform

Stacey going down

From there we went back North to Neve Daniel, just past Elazar. We picked up some bread for the Shabbat meal then Shannon showed us a house they are hoping to buy. It's a beautiful house with incredible view. We made our way to the lookout deck which is the highest elevation in Israel. It was a little hazy but still could see for miles and miles in every direction. It brought to mind Deuteronomy 11:24. We took plenty of pics.
Bakery at Neve Daniel

Steve lovin' the smell of fresh bread

Neve Daniel Lookout

We then headed back South past where we came and traveled to Hebron. Uncharted territory for most tourists due to security issues but we were able to visit the Tomb of the Patriarchs. A guy Shannon knows met us at the entrance. Not a formal tour but he explained 100% this is the burial site of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob and Leah. This site is guarded well as the area is predominately Arab and frequented by Jews. Even the door to Isaac's tomb inside has an IDF guard at all times. Very fascinating place but we were happy to get back!
Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron

Abraham's tomb in front of me

Sarah's tomb behind me

Guard in front of Isaac's tomb

Back to the Nuszen's house to pack up and eat lunch. Our plan was for Shannon to drop us off in Jerusalem at Jack's brother's house, then go back for the rest of the family. But no, we decided to pack all 10 of us plus luggage in the van! Quite the experience! The rush was on to get to Perry's house, unload, freshen up, get the meal prepared and be at The Kotel by sundown. No wonder they need a day of rest after everything they do on Preparation Day *sarcasm*. But it was worth it.

I didn't think we'd make it in time but somehow we did. Maybe the sun stood still for a few minutes! Excitement was in the air as we approached The Kotel. I somehow assumed we would be observing the celebration from the back. But no, we got the full experience! Front and center (about 15 yds from the Wall) we were in the middle of thousands of people. Groups were singing and dancing, other quiet and reverent, others reading, others shaking hands and hugging, echoes of "Shabbat Shalom" everywhere! There was no order or structure, everyone appearing to do their own thing, but yet everyone was in perfect unison, Shabbat is here!
Kabbalat Shabbat at The Kotel
Steve & I sat in chairs in the middle of it all. We read the Psalms that were in the Kabbalat Shabbat book with people all around us. I don't know how to describe it but it was incredible. Now that it's Shabbat, no driving. We walked over 3 miles down the vacant streets of Jerusalem. Ben Yehuda Street, which is usally a bustling place, now barren. We did have one minor Shabbat infraction but Steve & Debbie had to take a cab the rest of the way from Ben Yehuda St to the house. Stacey & I, although tired, decided to get the full Sabbath Day's journey which was good time spent visiting with Jack & Shannon.

Stacey & Daphne visiting on the long walk back 

Hour walk back to the house

Finally at the house, well after 8pm, it's time for the Shabbat meal. The family sang the customary blessings as we made our way to the table. Jack recited the Proverbs 31 blessing to Shannon, then blessed each of the children individually. Beautiful. The meal started with the challah (2 loaves of bread) which symbolized the double portion of manna. Reuven poured water (God's mercy) into the wine (grape juice for us) which represents God's judgment. A reminder that God's judgment always has mercy available. Then the main course which included roast, potatoes, carrots, edamame, mashed potatoes, chopped bbq, chicken, salad, the whole 9 yards. Everything was so delicious. The meal concluded with everyone singing another blessing as well as other psalms...

We then sang some of our old church songs that were based on the psalms. Jack didn't know which psalms they were because he only knew them in Hebrew. The kids loved our singing. Zipporah especially loved a song Steve sang that he wrote and gave him a hug. So sweet.

We visited a little bit and said our goodbyes. Time to go bed. Cab arrives at 4:30 AM to take us to airport.

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