Tuesday, March 21, 2017

3.12.17 "Purim"

Woke up this morning after finally getting some good sleep. Visited with the kids and had breakfast & coffee. At 10:00 we went to the Synagogue for the reading of Esther because today is Purim. The reader practically sang the whole story in Hebrew and everyone spun their groggers and booed every time Haman's name was mentioned. I speed read the book of Esther to keep up with the guy reading it to the congregation.

Guests at Purim party
Purim is a festive day with people dressed in costumes and exchanging goodies with neighbors kinda like trick or treat. Jack & Shannon hosted a brunch so tons of people came by for food and goodies and got their pics taken with Egyptian props.

Photo booth

I spent most of the time visiting with Dr. Moshe Dann who helped arrange our schedule for the week. After everyone left and we cleaned up, Shannon took us to Jerusalem. There we visited the Friends of Zion museum. It is an amazing interactive walk-through tour of Israel's ancient and recent history. Very moving experience.

Friends of Zion Museum
After that, we ate dinner at 5pm at Eucalyptus restaurant which is right across the street from the Jaffa Gate in Old City. It was a lovely atmosphere but because of holiday we were basically the only customers.

The Eucalyptus

Maklubah (my meal)

Selfie at The Eucalyptus

When we got back home we visited with Jack & Shannon and video chatted with the kids around 8:30 so they had just got home from church. It's 9:15 now and I'm dozing off. Praying for no rain tomorrow so we can go zipline and drive ATV's.

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