Thursday, March 23, 2017

3.16.17 "Jerusalem"

Well, we got a late start plus traffic was bad and directions were off a little but we finally made it to our segway hour late. So we only got a half tour but it was incredible. We got some amazing views of the city plus driving the segway was tons of fun. We past a group of believers who were praying for Jerusalem with arms outstretched. I wanted to stop and join them but we had to keep moving. Everyone was doing great but we hit a pretty steep slope and Steve lost control and wiped out. He skinned his knees and hand up pretty good but he toughed it out and rode it back to the station. I was proud of him for riding it.

I finally got brave enough to get a segway selfie

Steve getting doctored up after fall

Views from segway tour

View of Temple Mount and Mount of Olives

We then went to the Old City through the Jaffa gate. Our first stop was at the Temple Institute. It was interesting but not as "wowing" as the other high tech walk-throughs we visited. We then made our way to the Tunnel Tour. We needed a quick pit stop so Shannon took us into a building called Aish Yeshiva. I didn't know what it was but it was very impressive and appeared to need reservations to get in. Shannon threw some names out to the guy at the desk and got us permission to briefly go to the rooftop lookout. When we got up there we had a breath taking view of The Wall and Temple Mount. We snapped a few quick pics and left but it was an amazing moment.
Entrance to the Temple Institute
Unbelievable view of the Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock

View South to City of David
We hustled to the tunnel tour for our 1:40 appointment. We had a fantastic tour guide. He inquired where everyone in our group was from (several nations represented) and he said we are fulfilling prophecy in being here because Isaiah talks about people from all nations coming to worship. The tour was amazing, we learned a lot of interesting things about the wall. As we exited, we just turned the corner to go to the Virtual Reality tour. The entrance is practically even with wall on the northern side of the prayer plaza which made for more great pics. The VR tour was simply amazing. 360° views of the outside and inside of the temple really felt like you were there. Again, I was proud of Steve for overcoming his motion sickness to do this. He loved it!

Our guide at the Tunnel Tour

Praying at the middle point of the Wall during Tunnel Tour

Virtual Reality tour of the Temple
When we exited it was time to pray. Ladies to the right, Steve & I to the left. It was busy but not super crowded. We found a good spot to stand beside each other and pray. What a humbling experience to think of millions of people who have stood in this spot to pray. I prayed for peace, and quoted Matthew 23:38-39 " won't see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." Maranatha! We took several more pics, found the ladies and exited the plaza.

Prayers at The Kotel

Steve praying

Written prayers are stuffed in the cracks of the wall

Standing at The Kotel

It's after 4:00 and we haven't had lunch. We ate at Burgersbar which was awesome. I had a beef/lamb burger cooked medium...oh wow!! We visited a jewelry shop next door and I found a new wedding band with the Hebrew inscription, "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." We visited with the shop owner about where we're from and when we told her about our love for Israel and that we pray for Israel, with a smile of excitement she said, "These are the days of Meshiach." Indeed! We then went to see the giant menorah display that we missed on the way out of the Temple Institute. As we were heading down the steps we could see the sunlight illuminating the Mt of Olives as the sun was setting behind us. I ran down the stairs, past the menorah to a good spot to get some amazing shots. When I walked back up just a little ways to the menorah, the Mt of Olives was already in the shadows. I was so glad I got there when I did. Oh and the menorah was pretty cool too.

Sun lighting up the Mt of Olives (view along the Southern Wall)

Menorah created by the Temple Institute

We visited a couple of more shops and got portraits made dressed up as Bible characters. Steve was Elimilech, Debbie was Naomi, Stacey was Ruth and I was Boaz. I thought it was kinda corny at first but it was a lot of fun. And Ruth was pretty hot too!

We finally left the Old City as it was now dark and getting colder. We drove to Jack's mom's house where we walked across the street to get on a city bus to go to Ben Jehuda Street. The city bus ride is another of those experience most tourists do not get. The bus riders run the gamut of Jewish society. From the secular, low income to the Ultra Orthodox dudes with the hats and everyone in between, including a couple of crazy Texans.

Fortunately it was only a few blocks to Ben Jehuda St. We visited a few shops but mostly enjoyed the lights and music and variety of people all around us. Such an amazing difference between the "Old City" and "New City" so close together. Lots of high end shops. Our favorite store sign was "City Market 24/6". Only in Israel! We stopped at The Coffee Bean shop for some gourmet hot chocolate and cookies and got in some Facebook updates on the wifi. We finally made our way back up Ben Jehuda St making a few more stops before catching a bus back to the van.
Entrance to Ben Yehuda Street


Outside of coffee shop

Nothing is 24/7 here
The day started out a little stressful but overall it was a day we will never forget. Truly an unforgettable experience being in Jerusalem, the heart of it all. Looking forward to the New Jerusalem but until then, we still have a lot of work to do. Gotta get some rest. One more full day before we head home!

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