Sunday, February 19, 2017

Names of God (Intro) 2.19.17

Proverbs 30:4
Who has gone up to heaven and come down?
Whose hands have gathered up the wind?
Who has wrapped up the waters in a cloak?
Who has established all the ends of the earth?
What is his name, and what is the name of his son?
Surely you know!

The main purpose of today's lesson is to understand the distinction been names and titles, especially when used about God. There are many titles used in reference to God and Jesus: God, Lord, Creator, Father, Master, Savior, Christ, Messiah, King, Prince, etc.  These are all true and accurate titles but none of these reveal to us His name.

Approximately 7,000 times in the Old Testament alone, the revealed name of God, YHWH, pronounced in English as Jehovah or Yahweh, has been substituted with the title "The LORD."  On just about any page you turn to, in any given translation, you will find the title "The LORD" or "The LORD your God."

Yes, He is "The LORD" your God, but the original text that is translated "The LORD" is Strong's #H3068, YHWH, which is the proper name of the one true God. The word "Lord" is Strong's #H136, Adonai, which is used only 434 times in the Old Testament, and is almost always used in reference to a human. It would be like using the word "Sir" or "Mr." or "Senor" as a respectful title to someone.

So why has His name been substituted with His title?  We are commanded not to use His name in vain but that does not mean we should not say it at all.  In fact, we are commanded many times to make mention of His name (Isaiah 12), to exalt and bless His name, and to call on His name.  Is there any Biblical command to substitute the Name of the one true living God with His title, or is that the tradition of man?

Does it really matter what we call God?  What does it say about the character of God that He has revealed His personal name to us? I have several titles that people call me based on their relationship with me: husband, daddy, pastor, mister, hey you... but my friends just call me Kevin. Our God is not just some supreme being sitting in outer space somewhere. He calls us His own children, His people, His friends. If we are friends of God then we are free to call Him by His a reverent way of course! How personal is that?

What is His name? Now you know!

The next couple of weeks we will look at the meanings of His name and the name of His Son.

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